Fight Club PFRPG/3.5 Edition App Bewertungen

Weg mit der Zettelei

Superhilfreiche App, hat ein paar kleine Macken, aber die scheinen auch behoben zu werden. Meine erste Bezahl-App, bereue den Kauf nicht. Weiter Klassen (z.B. Alchemist) wären nicht schlecht. Einige Informationen fehlen auch noch, aber das braucht sicher Zeit. Würde eher hier mein Geld lassen als in noch mehr Büchern ;)

Fight Club 3

Super Programm, auf deutsch wäre es nicht schlecht !!

Hat Potential

Sieht gut aus und hat intelligente Funktionen. Auf deutsch wäre es perfekt.

Funktioniert und is übersichtlich

Jupp :3 Deutsche Spellbeschreibungen wären klasse ;)

Soo close

I appear to have an issue where I’ll add something to the compendium and after closing the app it disappears if it’s not actively used on a character/race/class.

Great app

I started using this app to make it easier for me gaming. No need to keep a paper sheet dry or worry about it wearing out from too much erasing or getting dirty at session, that sort of thing. I can just grab my pad and go to game and if I forget my dice I have the ones on the app. My only complaint is about the spell listings. The app does not have them organized by level or really in any manner that could be helpful to players (yes alphabetically but I have to go hunt down the hard copy of the game book in order to check which spells are available at which levels, ie. Is spell X a 4th or 5th level spell). It would make things a bit easier and user friendly if the spell listings were adjusted for ease of use.

not working on macBook Pro

Looks like this app is not working on macBook Pro with my M2 apple silicon ...

Homebrew friendly

Anything you could possibly want to homebrew in, it can be done. Trust me I’ve tried to stump it

A valuable rpg asset

I use this app for my pathfinder games and have recommended it to all of my players. This app makes it so easy to create characters and npc’s whenever I need them. The app also allows for me to create custom items with stats I can toggle whenever (which I totally recommend for mechanics like rage). The only minor issue that I have with the app is that it doesn’t seem to update changes to spell concentration or DC despite these being things you are able to make edits for. But this is only a slight inconvenience compared to all the benefits available.

All One Should Ask For

Ultimately, no application running under a tablet/phone device OS is going to be able to do everything everyone wants done for them, without being an expensive client of of powerful RDBMS that invites subscription fees, advertising, and demands external online (e.g., Cloud) connections and all such externals bring with them. So the fact that this application is as comprehensive and flexible as it is seems to me to more than compensate for any limitations in supporting data depth. I feel the features like Compendium adequately provide for quick-access reference, while not pointlessly duplicating the ruleset. The app is accurate, easy, and fun to use—and fun is still the core reason I play FRPGs.

It’s pretty good!

It’s a good app the only issue is paying to make more than one character. Though for $3 it’s a great app!

A dyslexic’s best friend!

I’ve been using Lion’s Den’s apps for years and they’ve been one of the best things to happen to my group. Two of my party members are dyslexic, and I’m also dyscalculic so referencing character sheets can be a pain to say the least- let alone waiting on me to do that math on my rolls when I’m not sure what number I’m looking at! There is a learning curve to figure out exactly how to input all the information, but no worse than figuring out a appear sheet.

Great App!

I like this app a lot. I am a big fan of digital character sheets. Just wish there was a macOS version like there is for the 5e version. Any plans on releasing one?

Great app for 3.5!

I love this app for our 3.5 campaign. It’s easy to navigate after some practice and use and offers the options to create custom classes and the like! However, it hasn’t been updated in a year, and even though I know fifth edition is the standard for D&D, I still have a great love for 3.5. I’m hoping they continue to update it soon!! Maybe they could add status effects that players could just “put into effect” so they wouldn’t have to deal with the math of fatigue, feared, exhausted, etc! That being said, this is the best app for 3.5 character sheets on the market currently. I have tried them all and this is the only on that functions reliably!

Love the app, wish there was more!

I usually don’t do reviews, but I thought that I would drop a note to say "thanks!”. There was one little bug that bothers me just a tiny bit: In an encounter, no matter what Monster you put into encounter, it shows 1 HD. You can even see that in the screen cap that was used in the App Store. Anyway, if you want to fix that, I’d be grateful. Thanks!

Pretty good, but could be better

I really like how you are able to customize so much. There are paid apps that don’t allow as much customization options. However, there is one fairly basic thing that could and should be so much better: the skills. The apps should automatically know which skill are class skills and which aren’t. Also, the system that removes an available skill point when one is added to a skill seems buggy.

Missing this app on M1 chip

the app downloads then shows a dark field without any options to make any PCs, or upgrade. I love the app (on phone) SO MUCH that I would even be willing to re-pay for the app- I love it so! Please make the OS port for Pathfinder, or- hear me out: make a version that is pf1/pf2 for both iOS and Mac OS... again, willing to re-pay to have my characters on the same divice as opposed to the phone. Please!?

Labor of Love

This app has been a godsend for me to help new players in my campaigns, and makes it super easy to correct and update character sheets. Little details in the interface and design show that the creator is a longtime player and loves the game — huge thanks to them. Can’t recommend enough!


No me salta la opción para ver la aplicación en español.


I love this app, I bought it full price. However it’s systems of creating classes don’t work very well. I’m playing a summoner, which is already a real class! I tried to create a class so I could use my summoner, but there’s been a lot of issues that would be easily avoided if they updated their classes more often. Please please please add summoner!

I don’t regret buying this.

That is all.


I'm coming from Android to iPad. And while many apps have equal or even better options on iOS, this is definitely not one of them. Trying this after using Pathbuilder on Android was like going from a new VW GTI to your Grandad's rusted out Chevette. It's still a car but... Being able to build your character level by level and export to a standard character sheet? Nope. Archetypes for Standard Classes? Nope. Built in consolidated reference material for all current material in the PF20SRD, so you can just select source then choose option or item? LOL, nope. Most things have to be manually entered, and some things you can't even do that. Tried remaking my human Fighter (Archer), except you can't do Archetypes (or I can't find them), and trying to just swap out the Fighter specials didn't work because the options aren't in there to choose from. So it's nice, but just not acceptable after using Pathbuilder.

Expanded content

Pretty useful. The developers should look into adding a Starfinder option for Pathfinder’s sci-fi variant

Very Helpful! Can't live without it, now.

It's a very good app, bordering on greatness. But there are a few things that keep that fifth star off, for me, at least. (All of these observations apply to the 3.5 version of the app; I haven't tried the Pathfinder side of things.) Without going into excruciating detail (and I do tend to be verbose), play around with the app. A lot. There are several idiosyncrasies that could trip you up, but after building a few test characters and increasing them up thru a bunch of levels (all the way to 20th, I'd recommend) you'll figure them out. The one that is just a major head scratcher for me is when it prompts you to select a new feat. For Ranger, Rogue and Barbarian, at least (I didn't try Fighter, so it may be different, but I doubt it), the app prompts you to add a feat at 3rd level, no problem. But then it prompts you for a new feat at 5th and 7th, but not at 6th. 9th is OK, but not all of the levels prompt you to add a new feat correctly. (You can manually add feats, and really pretty much anything, in Edit mode; you have much more flexibility in Edit mode than when prompted, but the prompted screens let you do simple adds, which is often all you need.) A trick I'd like to impart is, don't "Add Class" from the main screen when you are initially creating your characters. Instead, choose "Advance in Level", and then select the Class you want your character to start as. This sets all of the "Class" flags in the Skills list for that Class. IF YOU DON'T DO THIS, IT DOESN'T SET THESE FLAGS PROPERLY, and that means that Skills won't work as they're supposed to, which is very sad. This will set your character at 1st level. Then, when it's time to go up a level, choose "Advance in Level", and when it prompts you to add a level to a Class, be sure to select your current level Class entry; this is the first choice on the page, do not select the same Class from the complete list of Classes below your current Class(es). If you select the same class twice, the app won't stop you, even tho this is specifically verboten in the Player's Handbook. Likewise, if you want to go multiclass, choose "Advance in Level" and when prompted, select the new class from the complete list of Classes. You WILL get all of the correct Class flags set for that Class' Skills if you do it this way; otherwise, you may not. Do not select "Add Class" to multiclass your character. And, finally, if you want to create another character that's the same as (or similar to) one you already have, don't Copy an existing character. None of the Class flags in the Skills section will import over to the new character sheet if you do. You cannot fix this via the app in any way that I've tried, although there still might be a way. (Copying items from one character to another, when you're adding items to a character, does work fine, including copying over any bonuses, etc., that you set on the original character's item.) Otherwise, it's a very robust app. Just not 100% great. But, now that I have it on both my iPhone and my iPad, I couldn't imagine doing a D&D 3.5 Session without it! Be sure to really play around with the features. It's very feature rich and capable, but a wee bit quirky in some places. (OK, I ended up getting verbose. So, sue me. I hope this helps someone!)

Best of the RPG character sheet apps by far

Yes, there are a few things that I wish this could automate a little better, but honestly the other players in my group take 5x as long to do simple things that I can do on this app with a tap or two. Tip: make an equipment item for common spell effects like Haste or Bull Strength. Then you equip the item and you have those effects in play.

Facebook support?

I don’t have nor want Facebook. There seems to be no mechanism to add Spell DC for spell focus or greater spell focus based on class. There’s no mechanism to edit the spell and manually set the Spell DCs and the ones for every spell level are set at base a Spell DC which is incorrect for ant spells over level 0. Otherwise a nice app but not very good for spell casters.

Love this app

Amazingly well done. I have been using it for 3.5 for a few years now. I am hoping an update soon Also guys, please release a how to do manual. That would be an icing on the cake. Highly recommended!!! Support Lions Den.

Its not 3.5

Wan you download it it sas 3.5 but wan it’s akshwaly an you Device it sas 3ed thar is a bifrints


Love it! I’ve been using it for years now & enjoy the ability to add own elements to any system! My favored class are psions and soul knives so that requires ingenuity & this apps permits that! 🔮


Everyone who plays d&d should have this app handy. It has room for improvement, but I love this app. It’s easier to find sources with the compendium, and rule book. It’s easy to roll for things if you forget your die( like I occasionally do). It’s so easy to make a character and put a picture to it. I love that. It’s easy to learn how to navigate, and remember where things can be. It’s easy to swap out gear and such, and I really like the option to put a picture to the gear to show what it looks like. It’s not a perfect world though, so here’s some things this app could lead into: 1. It could turn into a desktop version to see better, and easier to browse things with multiple windows. 2. The compendium can expand with more races to choose from, updated classes and prestige classes, and rule books. 3. The game versions can expand, like older versions before 3.5, or after etc. I know a couple people who like playing in older versions. 4. Honestly, I don’t think there should be an excuse not to have this app. Everyone should have it who plays D&D. Hopefully this review can help expand the horizons, and may the force be with you.

Useful with lots of potential

This app is really useful, but one thing that would be really handy is to see what modifiers are contributing to a score. For instance, the Initiative score modifier is my Dex modifier+ my Improved Initiative feat, etc. This will also help with diagnosing if something miscalculates.


I’ll admit, it I great, but. I cannot edit the spells to fix them. Because there is one major problem, all of the spells are 0 level, and because I cannot edit them appropriately, they are forced to stay at zero level.


Does NOT support PF 2e Could you please update the app to include PF2e?

Needs to be available for Android

Great app if you have an iPhone or iPad. Needs to be available for Android.

We have to do the work for a paid app‽

Even with the paid version of the app it is incomplete at best. If you want something as basic as all the races and classes from pathfinder you have to find or create XML files and add them to the app manually. Total rip off! DO NOT BUY this app unless you are willing to do a ton of extra work.

I’ve gone paperless

I love my dice, but I love faster paced high-level Pathfinder combat more. This app is easy to use and dramatically reduces the algebra needed for some of the more complicated builds. I recommend it to all my friends. A criticism: being able to see the inputs that go into the weapon bonuses and such would be helpful for character sheet auditing. I’ve run into a few bugs that could have been solved much faster if I could track *how* some of the macros are being calculated. It would also be helpful learning tool for new players. Other than the occasional calculation error, this app is wonderful and I have no interest in ever returning to analog.


Can’t delete characters Can’t modify attacks to include things like weapon focus These are the things I found in just 20 mins.

Every Update Makes a Great App Worse

I wish this app had not automatically updated for me. After each update, the interface design is substantially worse — it used to be a neat and efficient use of screen real estate; now, it’s an ugly mess that wastes screen space. Please bring back the V2.3 interface, where the character portrait was only displayed on the first menu, instead of wasting more than half the screen on every menu. I’ve used this app for years and used to recommend it to all of my players. Now I hardly use it (and never recommend it) because it’s become so inefficient.

Stylish and Well-Featured

Let me not muddy the waters by pointing out a good point, then countering it with a nitpick. Let’s keep it simple: pros and cons. PROs: The interface is beautiful. That may not seem like much, but in the face of successful (but frankly ugly) systems like Hero Lab and RPG Scribe, sometimes a look that seduces the pupils is a welcome break. The Compendium has basic information of use to players and GMs, and is easily accessible. This is no small thing; in systems as deep and detailed as Pathfinder and 5e, having to delve into the books is inelegant. Price point: this is a good value for the investment. Good support, good functionality, great design. There are others, but let’s keep it short. CONs: I mentioned the complexity of the systems. Hero Lab will do the majority of the work figuring the modifiers and options... for a price. And an interface with all the style and charm of an IRS report form. Not so much with Fight Club. Be prepared to do a fair bit of typing (or cut-and-paste) for any character of a non-vanilla nature. Be prepared to think for yourself. It is no difficult thing to input data incorrectly and have a marginally useless character sheet; to be fair, however, Fight Club has resources which, if followed, will prevent problems down the line. The only reason I list this as a con is that not everyone RTFM. I highly recommend it.

Amazing help for a new player!

This app has made breaking into Pathfinder so painless! The ability to customize just about everything while still remaining super streamlined is worth far more that the $3 I paid not to see ads. Keep it up!

Good app, but...

I really do like this app, but there are three problems. The first one is that there are almost no races to choose from. There are WAY MORE races that should be in the app than the few you are given. The second problem is similar to the first, being that there are barely any classes for you to choose from with this app. My final problem is that I spent an overwhelmingly long time making a class and a race, saved them and made a character, closed the app for a few minutes and opened it back up, and absolutely NOTHING I had just done was there. I would definitely use this app much more if this bug or whatever it is gets fixed.

Not bad!

Pretty great app but could definitely use some content updates. I’d like a way to auto track magical gear bonuses.

Needs work

Duplicates, or won’t save information frequently.

Pretty Good

A nice character sheet app. Still could use some improvement but it functions. You have to pay to make more than one character at a time.

Great app and easy to use

I think the app is well organized and easy to use. One thing I’d like to see is the ability to set up more robust conditions that can apply all the stat changes for something like Barbaría Rage just by selecting it. It would allow you to apply the ability bonuses, saves and AC penalty all at the same time. That way I don’t have to have multiple attack types I can just have everything adjusted at one time. Nothing to track on a separate piece of paper.

Love it, but needs some tuning

Love the app. Very organized and useful for those of us interested in 3.5e. Really like how I can add in my own Skills to the list, being there are multiple campaign settings that have specific Skills (such as Program, Knowledge (engineering), Psychology (For characters like Inquisitors), Psionic based Skills, and such). It does however lack utility for things like setting up Deities, Domains, Alignment, and adding custom classes, races, abilities, etc. permanently into the Compendium. Also, the full list of abilities gained by leveling are important to my campaigns, and using the Add All function when manually setting up classes doesn't do what I think/thought it meant. I discovered by accidentally mistapping Yes when setting up the class lets me manually pick the abilities allows that. The Add All feature being fixed could save my lazy butt, and eliminate the confusion i experienced that can affect others Regardless, this brand of app excells Fifth Edition Character Sheet app i was using for 5e, and plan to use both 5e and 3.5e versions of these character sheets and the DM apps

Ok, but disappointing

The interface is clunky but not difficult to use. The biggest issue is that it only handles core PHB2 classes and you can’t specify stats such as BAB or class skills, so all skill ranks count as double even when they are “untrained” which is plain wrong. For supported classes it works ok for initial generation, but less good when leveling up, especially for spell casters.

Amazing App!!! Easy to use and understand!

I just started a monthly pathfinder game with some friends and this has become extremely useful! Being able to easily keep track of all my modifiers, skills, and rolls couldn’t be easier than on this app. You can add custom inventory and even customize weapon rolls. I would like to offer a suggestion though: add a “Report Bug” feature. The app has crashed several times while creating my character sheet. The crash I was able to consistently recreate is when I try to change the damage die for the punching dagger.

Nice layout, not much content

Downloaded this app to make an unchained rogue. There is currently no option to make any unchained characters. I am disappointed. The app is pretty. But I'm still disappointed.

Great app

I really like this app it’s super helpful the only thing I could ask for would be to put more races and classes other then that it is the best

Great app

Wold be better if it auto filled more stuff. You don’t even have warlock as a class in 3.5 Please keep updating. Roll dice...

No Feats?

Am I missing something or does the Pathfinder/3.5ed app not have Feats? Or Equipment? I really liked the 5th Ed app but I can’t see myself using this one at all.

Keep getting changed for the app

Why am I getting charged $2.99 every few weeks for this app?

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